Ministries & Affiliate Ministries

Discipleship Program
The goal of our Discipleship program is to produce authentic Disciples of Christ, representing accurate Kingdom lifestyles, and who will be change agents in Jamaica, the Caribbean and the World.

Sunday School & Children's Ministry
For children ages 2-12 years

Cell Groups
Small groups of up to 20 persons who meet weekly for prayer, bible study, and fellowship.

Youth With A Destiny (YWAD)
Youth Ministry - This group targets young people from 13-17 years.

Millennial Ministry - This ministry covers ages 26-42, and members of this group help to lead ministries, cell groups etc.

They are a vital source of mentorship support for Young Adults and Youth.
Activities include special gatherings and retreats.

God Centred
God Centred is a ministry of the Christian Life Fellowship (CLF) Youth Council, led by the Director of Youth and Young Adults. It includes High School Tours, On-line ministry and an annual God-Centred Conference.
It is aimed at Youth and Young Adults. The purpose of God Centred is to influence and challenge Jamaican youth to wholeheartedly centre their life on pleasing God. This, we believe, is a journey. It starts with an understanding of the life of Jesus Christ through the preaching of the Gospel, as written in the Bible; an acknowledgement and acceptance of Him as Lord; and a commitment to spiritual growth through membership and active involvement in a local, Bible-believing church.
The idea first emerged in 2008 from the Council’s outreach work among youth, who they recognized needed help and support to navigate many challenging issues including: poor parental and family support and guidance; financial difficulties stress related to their academic performance stress related to their social and emotional well-being, particularly the need for approval from their peers; the pressure to have an intimate partner and to be sexually-active; managing issues related to sexuality such as sexual identity and orientation; pregnancy and the challenges associated with contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Other Ministries
Support Ministry
This ministry provides a forum for voluntary participation of individuals looking for support from others in various issues including grief, loss etc.
Mentorship Ministry
This ministry aims to ensure support of discipleship through a vibrant program of intergenerational mentorship.
Community Transformation Ministry
This ministry seeks to impact the surrounding community through interventions in Education, Health and other areas, with a view towards owning our community and sharing the love of Christ.
Local Area Outreach/Evangelism Ministry
This ministry seeks to ensure whole-church evangelism effort directly in the community, and indirectly through men’s ministry, women's ministry, youth ministry etc.
Family Ministry
This ministry seeks to build fellowship, internal relationships, and provide support for family transitions, parenting, etc.

Welcome Ministry
This ministry seeks to enhance the welcome experience of guests through Hospitality, New Visitor welcome (Barnabas Ministry), First touch (greeters/ushers), a Nursery, and a Home Away from Home program for university students.
Mercy Ministry
This is part of the work of our Diaconate focusing on support for the needy and vulnerable.
"Through this church I (The Lord) will affect the nation, the Caribbean, and other lands. I (The Lord) will send men and women from this church to other lands to establish works there to thrive."
- Prophetic Word to CLF | Feb 24 1990 -
These trans-local ministries are affiliate ministries with CLF oversight/affiliation involved in wider/cross denominational impact.
Areas include:
Community Transformation
24/7 Prayer
Men’s Ministry, Boys Ministry and Fathering
Women’s Ministry and Anti-Human Trafficking
Ministry Support